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On April 30th, we gathered in the Grand Jury Room to celebrate the retirement of Investigator Ron Lansdell. Prior to joining our office in 2005, Ron served in the U.S Air Force and had a distinguished career with the Florence Police Department.


Ron was an asset to our office, working quietly to get the job done, no matter what the job entailed. He finished his career with our office as the child support unit investigator. We will miss Ron, but wish him well in retirement.

Ron Lansdell Retires

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Chris Ginger and Ron1.JPG

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Chris w the Retirees2.JPG

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gift presenation 23.JPG

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Karen Alisha Ron Ginger4.JPG

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retirees w Jeff and Tammy5.JPG

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Retirees w Karen6.JPG

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Ron & Angie7.JPG

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Ron & Jhimara8.JPG

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Ron and Brad Potts9.JPG

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Ron and Carolyn10.JPG

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Ron Ginger and Catina w Post-it gift11.JPG

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Ron Michele and Glenda12.JPG

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Ron Mike and Richard13.JPG

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Ron w Child Support Unit14.JPG

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Ron w Howard15.JPG

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Ron w Rob Martin16.JPG

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Will Ron and gift17.JPG

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Will Ron and gift218.JPG

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Will Ron and Ginger19.JPG

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Will Ron and Richard Richey20.JPG

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with the car Ron and Ginger21.JPG

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